Dokumentar Drottninggatans Roster
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Dokumentar Drottninggatans Roster

Dokumentär om rättegången mot Rakhmat Akilov. I rättegången om terrordådet på Drottninggatan vittnade över hundra personer om sina upplevelser den 7 a...pril 2017. Med deras berättelser från rättssalen och tidigare opublicerade bilder har SVT rekonstruerat sekunderna som skakade Sverige. Filmen följer även mer ingående några av dem som drabbades av terrordådet genom hela rättsprocessen. Det är röster från platsen som aldrig tidigare hörts och vars liv för alltid förändrades. En film av Oskar Jönsson och Iman Tahbaz. Show More


(Detailed 200-Word Summary)
Dokumentär Drottninggatans Roster is a gripping documentary that explores the trial against Rakhmat Akilov, who was responsible for the devastating terrorist attack on Drottninggatan in Stockholm on April 7, 2017. Over a hundred individuals provided testimony about their experiences during the attack in the courtroom. Utilizing these firsthand accounts and previously unpublished photographs, the film reconstructs the harrowing moments that shook the entire nation of Sweden.

The documentary delves deeper into the lives of some of the individuals who were directly affected by the terrorist attack, following their journey throughout the entire legal process. These survivors' voices, often unheard before, reveal the lasting impact the attack had on their lives.

Directed by Oskar Jönsson and Iman Tahbaz, Dokumentär Drottninggatans Roster sheds light on the untold stories of those who were present during the attack and provides a platform for their voices to be heard.

This emotional and thought-provoking documentary offers viewers a unique insight into one of the most significant acts of terrorism in Swedish history. It serves as a reminder of the resilience of the human spirit and the need for justice in the face of adversity. Dokumentär Drottninggatans Roster captures the raw emotions, the courage, and the determination of the victims, while also exploring the wider implications of the attack on society as a whole.